Lazy Loungers  

Posted by Jaskaran Singh

Having slept at 2:00 a.m after our routine recreational stuff (now that's what can be avoided by work-eluding laid-backs like us) it was obvious that it's gonna be tough to wake up in time for Mr. S Mandal's class at 8:00 a.m for a guy like me who is guilty of committing one of the seven deadly sins - Sloth.
My tryst with the beautiful angels was interrupted by a loud and hazy voice ''Class nahi jaana kya? (are you not coming to class)'' and I was out of my bed within a second.The reason for such a quick reaction being Mandal Sir who asks for only one thing - Punctuality and if you are late,it means you have to attend the boring lecture without the attendance.
The voice,as I later found out,was coming from the vocal chords of one of the laziest guy - The Bihari.The first thing I did was to reach out for my mobile lying beneath a heap of every possible item a student possesses(notebooks,comb,files,medicines,ironed clothes etc.) and it showed 7:51 a.m.With a brush in my mouth I was out of my room within next 15 seconds but on reaching the basin I was more worried about my horrible look rather than attending the class.But I think the mighty force was providing a driving force for me to attend the class;that might be the only reason that Kashyap (the guy with the bike) who normally leaves the hostel by 7:50 was still there with a brush in his hand and looking for a tooth paste.
Sleeping with my jeans on saved me another minute or so and I was ready(This word hardly represented my condition but still...) by 7:56.The exact time of departure was 7:58 and the rest of the journey was full of speed and risk .And there we were in the classroom by 8:01 a.m and in came Mr. Mandal with his notes and the boring lecture commenced and it was hard for me to keep my eyes open.

From Hazrat  

Posted by Jaskaran Singh

He is a hardened sinner who commits a sin and still entertains the believe that he is one of the God's chosen few.

Never Say Never Again  

Posted by Jaskaran Singh

Here Comes the rain again,
Reminding me of all that went in vain.
I pray for some peace again,
Because the void in my heart remains.
Times have come and passed,But the darkness is here to last.
Sure,I am learning from my past,Unwilling to show what I have lost.
Happiness has eluded me for long,I wonder where we went wrong.
Waiting for another sun to rise,
I am convinced that we have paid the price.
And I guess this the time to move in life, coz there is no point in waiting for a light.
Time has come for the dry leaves to fall again,
And some happiness is what I deserve to possess again.

From Kurt Cobain  

Posted by Jaskaran Singh

"I'd rather be hated for who I am than be loved for who I am not."
- Kurt Cobain

Lessons From Life  

Posted by Jaskaran Singh

When you start living an independent life/you start too enthusiastically and with wrong perceptions/which were valid only in the boundaries of your so called home and not outside.But soon you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul/and you learn that, love doesn't mean leaning, and company doesn't mean security/and you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts and presents aren't promises/and you begin to accept your defeats with the grace of a man, not the grief of a child, and learn to build all your roads on today because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight/after a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you have too much. So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul/instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers, and you learn that you really can endure...that you really are strong and you really do have worth/and you learn and learn with every person you meet or employ/you learn with every friend or lover you learn/with every goodbye you learn.